Korean Site

CLIMATE: atmospheric patterns, temperature, precipitation, climate change, pollution affecting the Korean DMZ region

Asian Dust (also yellow dust, yellow sand, yellow wind or China dust storms) is a seasonal meteorological phenomenon which affects much of East Asia sporadically during the springtime months. The dust originates in the deserts of Mongolia and northern China and Kazakhstan where high-speed surface winds and intense dust storms kick up dense clouds of fine, dry soil particles. These clouds are then carried eastward by prevailing winds and pass over China, North and South Korea, and Japan, as well as parts of the Russian Far East. Sometimes, the airborne particulates are carried much further, in significant concentrations which affect air quality as far east as the United States.


With more than 15,000 members and 40 paid staff, Green Korea United (GKU) actively works for the conservation of (Korean) ecological habitat and wildlife based on   fieldwork and tackling destructive development patterns. In terms of wildlife animal  conservation activities, GKU has engaged in helping to save bears, gorals, spotted            seals, otters, clawed salamanders, frogs, whales and many more. They devote an entire      web blog section to helping stakeholders understand and share information on the impacts of climate and climate changes.


Position and strategy paper by one of ROKs largest and most active environmental groups, Korea Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM) on climate change within Korea. This organization performs an enormously important role in helping to engage the public in the long term preservation of ROKs nature heritage and resources.


The Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA), maintains stations, data, analysis and monitoring (both short and long-term) on current weather conditions, climate patterns, as      well as earth quake and regional events (Asia dust storms).   

Korean Ministry of the Environment, maintains an active program to help combat climate change, termed “Save Our Climate” (SOS), the web site contains links to policies, position papers, and information to engage stakeholders on the benefits of containing greenhouse gas emissions, carbon policies and more.


Featured column, May 2009, by Hwang Moon-sung, senior economist, Bank of Korea, on the Impact of Climate Change on Korean Economy. Part of features regularly offered by the ROK Embassy to the United States website.


ROK Korea Ministry of Environment: entire website dedicated to Climate and Climate Change within ROK.


World Resources Institute (WRI) information data sheets and profiles of climate patterns for ROK and DPRK

