Korean Site

GOVERNANCE\POLITICS\POLICY: governmental, international relations, State, Provincial governments, policy

Asia-Pacific Journal: well developed regional policy think tank, from a Japanese perspective:       
The Politics of Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation: 1998-2009


Website providing the on-line versions of books previously published in hard copy by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress as part of the Country Studies/Area Handbook Series sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Army between 1986 and 1998. Each study offers a comprehensive description and analysis of the country or region's historical setting, geography, society, economy, political system,     and foreign policy.

            DPRK         http://countrystudies.us/north-korea/
            ROK           http://countrystudies.us/south-korea/

Brief but valuable 2002 overview of suggestions for how NGOs can work within North Korea by Ambassador Harry Barnes. From DMZ Forum Conference, New York University, NY.

Barnes, H.G. 2002. Working with North Korea. Meeting Report\Abstract. New York University, DMZ Forum Conference.

           Barnes 2002 NYU Meeting Report Abstract Working with North Korea.pdf

Early (1980) call for the development of a DMZ park memorial. So Hung-yol,professor of philosophy at Ewha Womans University, part of archives of theonline Korean Journal.


Gangwon-do (or Kangwon-do) Province official governmental website maintains a great many projects and programs relating to DMZ issues, tourism, eco-tourism, conservation   and much more. Gangwon-do is the eastern-most province of split by the DMZ.


Gyeonggi Province: Government and  Board of Tourism: maintains a website with listing, programs and links to features of ecological and cultural importance within the DMZ Region. Gyeonggi-do is the western-most province within ROK, through which the DMZ runs.


Gyeonggi Province, blog formatted website, this entry outlines their thoughts about some characteristics of the Korean people (including historic traits, terms of respect and more).


Nautilus Institute
: a very useful site with extensive writings and papers, with the shared vision of a peaceful, ethical, and sustainable world for our time. To this end, the Mission of   the Nautilus Institute is to improve global problem solving by applying and refining the strategic tools of cooperative engagement to fundamental problems undermining global security and sustainability. Maintains extensive database of papers, writings and             publications relating to a wide range of Korean DMZ and many related matters.


US CIA World Factbook: The World Factbook
, “produced for US policymakers and   coordinated throughout the US Intelligence Community, presents the basic realities about    the world in which we live. Useful information and statistics for each country are shared       with the people of all nations in the belief that knowledge of the truth underpins the functioning of free societies”. Included are baseline statistics for: Geography, People, Government, Economy, Transportation, Communications, Military and Trans- national Issues.


DMZ and Transboundary\Peace Parks

Overview and abstracts of 1999 meeting held at Asia Society (NY City) on DMZ and Transboundary issues. Presentations from Wildlife Conservation Society, World Bank, UC Berkeley.

           Ginsberg et al. 1999 Asia Society Meeting Report Multiple Topics.pdf

Peace Parks Foundation, this South African based group is an international non-profit organization that facilitates the establishment of trans-frontier conservation areas (peace parks) and develops human resources, thereby supporting sustainable economic development, the conservation of biodiversity and regional peace and stability. They have     been very kind and generous supporters the DMZ Forum and the international efforts to establish a peace and nature park within the Korean DMZ.


Position papers and presentations from DMZ Forum Conference hosted by the Asia Society, July 2003, New York, NY. Includes summaries from Edward O.Wilson, Cora Weiss, David Bebow and John Klotz.

           Wilson et al. 2003 DMZ Forum Report Asia Society.pdf

Proceedings of 2004 DMZ Forum sponsored conference (NY City), including addresses by Dr.Nelson Mandela, Willem van Riet (Peace Parks Foundation), Cora Weiss, Drs. Ke Chung Kim and Seung-ho Lee (founders of DMZ Forum), George Archibald (founder of International Crane Foundation), UNEP, IUCN, KFEM, GKU,  and many others.

            Lee 2004 DMZ Forum Conference Proceedings.pdf

Message and address from Cora Weiss (Hague Appeal for Peace) at 2004 DMZ Forum meeting, calling for development and support for DMZ peace and nature park.

            Weiss 2004 DMZ Forum Meeting Report Conservation ofKorean DMZ for Peace.pdf

Message from Dr. Nelson Mandela, delivered by Ted Turner, at the 2005 DMZ Forum Conference. Outlines Dr. Mandela’s passion and commitment to peace and support for the establishment of a peace and nature park within the Korean DMZ  corridor.

            Mandela-Turner 2005 DMZ Forum Conference Address.pdf

Environmental Policy Bulletin (2007) : Policies on Conservation of the DMZ District Ecosystem, Ministry of the Environment (ROK) and Korea Environment Institute. Very useful publication that provides in-depth assessment of DMZ related systems, corridors, habitats and conservation approaches.


Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars has produced a range of papers and symposia related to transboundry peace parks and the Korean DMZ issue, in particular.


Publication focusing on theory, design and development of trans-boundary peace parks


Korean Provincial Government Websites (Kangwon-do (or Gangwon-do) and Gyeonggi-do) through which the DMZ runs or abuts.


Wikipedia entry on the Korean DMZ Zone
